It’s been a while since I heard Sunday mass. My husband is at a very low point in his life so I went to mass with him. I’m amazed at how the gospel spoke to us. It was as if God knew exactly what we needed to hear. Wow!
Jesus said, “Those who want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” - Matthew 16.24
Many people in Jesus’ time expected a warrior messiah, who would restore Israel to independence and power. A messiah who suffers and dies contradicts this popular idea of the messiah’s might and mission. A powerless messiah seems no messiah at all. In Sunday’s gospel, Peter, on whose faith the Christian community builds, wrestles with the contradiction of the suffering messiah.
We reflect on the meaning of Jesus’ death and resurrection as we journey with his uncomprehending disciples. Jesus’ sayings invite us to reflect on how we take up our cross and give ourselves to his mission.
I like what the priest said about life not being easy. In life, we all have our own cross to carry. It comes in different forms or levels. It may be identity crisis (for teens), dysfunctional family, financial difficulty, sickness or death. All we can do is embrace our cross and ask God to help us get through it.
The mass was pretty intense for me because it reminded me of happy and sad memories. Looking at the church choir, I realized how I miss singing praise songs back in highschool. Yes! Believe it or not, I was part of a church choir. I didn’t have THE voice (LOL) but I just enjoyed singing…and singing praise songs nonetheless.
At the end of the mass, I felt better. There are so many things to reflect on. I think I need to do this more often. It's food for the soul. Here’s a praise song I really love and I want to share with you. Enjoy!