Thursday, July 26, 2012

Second Mothers

No, this is not a typographical error. Second Mothers--I have two of them. Either I’m that lucky or God knew I’m going to be hard headed someday that I will need all the guidance I can get. Haha! Let me tell you about them.

Mama Jez is my mom’s sister. According to pamahiin, someone should buy your baby to save her from her medical condition (I was born with a weak heart) so my Mama Jez paid my mom a peso as an act of buying me from her. Crazy story, I know but that’s what my mom told me.  Mama Jez is my Santa Claus—Christmas or not! I had everything when I was a kid because of her. When I wanted a Barbie, she bought me many. Then she added Ken. Then Barbie had a kitchen, a sofa, a house and a car! When I collected stationeries, she bought all the cool stationeries that I want at Gift Gate! I was in stationery heaven! Mama Jez is not all about material things though. She has been such an influence in my life. She taught me to go after my dreams. She believed in me that I began to believe in myself too. In all my endeavors, she supported me. Success or not, she has always been there for guidance.

Christmas 2011
Mama Jez isn't vocal about caring. She just lets you feel it. It's always nice bumping into her at the Power Plant Mall in Rockwell. Oftentimes, I would text and ask her where she is so I can purposely bump into her. Hahaha! Being with her is such a joy. She's so selfless. She just loves to love.

One of our Power Plant encounters
If Mama Jez is my basket of positivity, Tita Jem is my vacuum. I remember crying to her on the phone in the parking lot right after my career heartbreak (which has its own entry). She absorbs everything I give her—my joys, my pains, my worries. She was the first person I told about Mike back when it was just a crush. We were at her house playing Noel Pointer’s ‘Never Lose Your Heart’ and talking about love. She listens intently to all my stories. She never gets bored. If she is, she has a good way of hiding it. LOL!
Pampanga January 2009
Whether it’s a business or a belief, she backs me up all the way. A few years ago, I won black jack in the Casino. When it was time to cash in my tokens, I realized the cashier gave me less than my winnings. I complained and demanded to see their security video. They refused to at first but I was being oppressive and burdensome to a point. Looking back, I cringe at the thought of me, a twenty-something small time player, being so demanding to high-ranking Casino officials. All through out the drama, Tita Jem stood by me and supported me 110% knowing I can be right or wrong.

My 34th Birthday
My Second Mothers. They give me a push when I’m unsure. They catch me when I fall. Drama all the way na but Moms, thank you for loving me the way you do. Thank you for believing in me. And when I fail, you never judge. You hold my hand when I cry. When I pour my heart out, you just listen. You give me a home when I'm lost. Thank you. Life is so wonderful with both of you in it.

Trivia: They split the bill on my birthday dinner. Grabe talaga!!!!!!! <Hugs>  

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I’m Heather! Please email me, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)